Entry Last Update: 05/12/2001
Description: Tracking is the ability to locate others and learn who has passed through a specific area.
Who Can Learn It: Only foresters can learn Tracking.
What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to track down specific individuals, as well as learn who has recently come through the general area you are in.
What it Does: Allows you to locate specific individuals, as well as learn what type of creature has recently come through a room.
Activation: TRACK (TRACK [Name] tracks a specific person. TRACK SEARCH reveals what type of being has recently come through the area, as well as the direction it headed in).
Usefulness (Low Levels): Low. It is almost impossible to find a specific person by their tracks. You will usually fail when searching for tracks in an area as well.
Usefulness (Mid-Levels): Moderate. You can begin to track individuals, and you will find tracks in a specific area when you search for them.
Usefulness (High Levels): Unknown. Torgin has yet to meet anyone with this level of expertise.
to Practice: At low levels, the best way to gain experience
is to TRACK SEARCH in a moderately traveled room. This room should be OUTDOORS
(when you do a look, it should say OBVIOUS PATHS instead of OBVIOUS EXITS)
and illuminated. For later levels, searching for tracks indoors or in the
dark is necessary to earn skill uses. A simple breakdown of room types
and uses:
Illuminated Room - No addition penalty/uses. Outdoor (Paths) room - No additional penalty/uses. Dark Room - Slight penalty/increased uses. Indoor (Exits) Room - Slight penalty/increased uses. Dark, Indoor Room - Moderate penalty/increased uses. |
There has been a decent amount of debate as to how useful Tracking is,
especially in light of the scrying spells. Those simply wanting to be a
forester so that they can track people down might be better offer becoming
mages and learning a scrying spell.