Torgin's Guide

To the Stealth Skill

Skill Name: Stealth

Entry Last Update: 04/24/2001

Description: Stealth is the ability to move without revealing one's self.

Who Can Learn It: Anyone can learn Stealth.

What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to remain hidden while doing various actions.

What it Does: Allows you to remain unseen while moving or doing other activities. Some of these activities are: moving in the tactical ranks, moving from room to room, and pickpocketing. Stealth does not actually help you GET into the shadows - that is covered by the Hiding skill.

Activation: Automatic.

Usefulness (Low Levels): Low. You reveal your hidden position more often than not when attempting to move about. You won't be able to remain hidden while walking from the Town Square to the bank most times.

Usefulness (Mid-Levels): Moderate. You can move with ease through the shadows! Making it from Spur to Wolftrap without being seen is a breeze. You no longer have to worry about getting robbed when going to a peddle.

Usefulness (High Levels): Low. Advanced techniques like remaining hidden while pickpocketing become easier.

How to Practice: Gaining uses in Stealth requires that you first get into the shadows (which is covered by the Hiding skill). Once there, someone else must be in the room with you in order to gain Stealth uses. There are four popular methods to gain uses in Stealth once the first two requirements has been met: 1) Move out of the room you are in, 2) Move to a different tactical rank via ADVANCE or RETREAT, 3) FOLLOW and LEAVE another person, 4) Pickpocket someone (unconfirmed at this time and only available to bards and thieves). My favorite is method #2 (stealth-tac-dancing). For the greatest chance of success, practice in a dark room.

Tips: Stealth-movement is more draining than normal movement, so watch your fatigue levels carefully. What good is heading to Wolftrap in the shadows when, half-way there, you pass out from exhaustion in front of a group of ogres? If you're looking for an NPC to practice on, Frontacian Runemages are your best bet. They stay in the same room and seem to have extremely poor perception, which means you will be more successful when using the "tac-dancing" practice method.

Unconfirmed Rumors (May or May Not Be True): Stealthy people are less well-adjusted socially than others. ;).

Note: Hiding is the "companion" skill to Stealth.

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