Entry Last Update: 04/30/2001
Description: Skinning is the knowledge of how to remove the body parts from an animal without significantly damaging them.
Who Can Learn It: Only foresters can learn Skinning.
What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to more easily remove the body parts of animals.
What it Does: Allows you to more easily remove the body parts of animals.
Activation: After STRIP [Target] is performed on a dead animal, SKIN (SKIN [Target]). You must have a short, sharp weapon readied in order to skin something.
Usefulness (Low Levels): Low. You will be more successful when skinning animals, though you will not be 100% efficient.
Usefulness (Mid-Levels): Unknown. Torgin has yet to meet anyone with this level of skinning ability.
Usefulness (High Levels): Unknown. Torgin has yet to meet anyone with this level of skinning ability.
How to Practice: Find an animal (or the occasional sentient) that can be skinned and kill it. STRIP it, then SKIN it until 1) you get the skin or 2) you mess it up so badly it can no longer be skinned.
Tips: Skinners are often sought by mages who need specific body parts for certain "special" spells. Those seeking to have special items made by peddlers may also need animal skins. As well, certain skinned parts can be sold for a decent amount of silver - keep this in mind when choosing a hunting spot.
Interesting Facts: Anyone can use the SKIN command, but only foresters can learn the skill (and thus get better at it).
Unconfirmed Rumors (May or May Not Be True): Skinning with a skinning knife may increase your chances of successfully getting a pelt.