Torgin's Guide

To the Picking Pockets Skill

Skill Name: Picking Pockets

Entry Last Update: 04/24/2001

Description: Picking Pockets is the ability to take the coins on another's person, hopefully without them noticing.

Who Can Learn It: Only Bards and Thieves can learn Picking Pockets.

What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to steal the coins off of someone else.

What it Does: Allows you to potentially steal the coins off another person someone else, though they may see you.

Activation: PICKPOCKET (PICKPOCKET [Target]).

Usefulness (Low Levels): Low. You will rarely succeed at pickpocketing, you won't be able to steal much when you do, and you'll usually be seen when trying.

Usefulness (Mid-Levels): Moderate. You usually pickpocket people successfully, but you are sometimes seen. You'll get a decent amount of coins when you are successful.

Usefulness (High Levels): Moderate. You will almost never be seen, and can pickpocket almost anyone with ease.

How to Practice: The best way to practice seems to be on another player in what is loosely called a "thieves' circle." Basicly, two people will pickpocket each-other constantly, exchanging coins between themselves in a sort of "circle."

Tips: Not all NPCs can be pickpocketed - especially not the "wild" ones. You can successfully pickpocket from hiding if your Stealth skill is high enough.

Unconfirmed Rumors (May or May Not Be True): Skill in Picking Pockets may decrease another person's chance to successfully pickpocket you. At the very least, it seems to increase your chance of noticing when you've been pickpocketed.

Note: Hiding and Stealth are both useful skills for pickpockets to have.

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