Entry Last Update: 04/30/2001
Description: Missile Weapons represents training with and knowledge of how to use "launcher" weapons. Such weapons include bows, crossbows, and slings.
Who Can Learn It: Anyone can learn Missile Weapons, though the "melee" classes will advance more quickly in it than others (faster OR/DR progression).
What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to better attack and defend yourself when using missile weapons.
What it Does: Increases your OR and DR values when using a missile weapon. Note that you only get your OR and DR bonuses when your missile weapon is loaded. Missile Weapons appears to be fully implemented at this time, though tweaks to the amount of OR and DR each class gains per training level are expected. As well, additional fatigue points are gained after reaching certain levels in Missile Weapons.
Activation: ATTACK (ATTACK [Target]), LOAD (LOAD [Ammo]. Missile Weapons can only be used on targets in different ranks or elevations than the attacker.
Usefulness (Low Levels): Moderate. "Hunting" with a weapon is one of the best ways to earn money, especially at low levels. Bows, however, are one of the slowest and least effective weapons to use.
Usefulness (Mid-Levels): Moderate. OR and DR gained per level increases at the mid-levels.
Usefulness (High Levels): Moderate. High levels have the largest rate of OR and DR progression.
How to Practice: Attack someone. This is usually done to NPCs, and is called "hunting." Make sure to take as many arrows/bolts/stones with you as you can.
Tips: Missile Weapons work best when used by flyers such an Anthians against non-flyers.
Interesting Facts: Both Fir Elves and Foresters get an OR bonus when using the Missile Weapons skill. As these bonuses are cumulative, a Fir Elf Forester will tend to win any sort of archery contest.
Unconfirmed Rumors (May or May Not Be True): Certain races may get a bonus to Missile Weapons.
Notes: Missile Weapons is one of the 5 major weapon skills in the game, which includes Blunt Weapons, Edged Weapons, Pole Weapons, and Throw Weapons. It grants additional fatigue points as you advance in level.