Torgin's Guide

To the Martial Arts Skill

Skill Name: Martial Arts

Entry Last Update: 04/24/2001

Description: Martial Arts is knowledge and training in how to better control one's body, usually towards the goal of being a better warrior.

Who Can Learn It: Only hand clerics can learn Martial Arts.

What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to better control your body and do progressively better combat techniques.

What it Does: Martial Arts is a complex skill with multiple bonuses. As a "natural weapon" skill, each level of Martial Arts provides increases in OR and DR when unarmed. As well, the damage done when attempting a martial technique increases with levels (though there may be a "ceiling" on the damage depending on the technique). New martial techniques that do different things can be learned at higher levels, and allow for a great deal of versatility in a fight. There are other bonuses as well, mainly dealing with defensive values when carrying little weight and some spells. Martial Arts and its various abilities may be renovated in the near future.

Martial Arts Technique Progression
Level Technique
1 Kick
5 Backhand
5 Knee Strike
7 Back Kick
7 Combo Punch
10 Elbow Strike
20 Hook Kick
25 Spin Kick
30 Jump Kick

Activation: Automatic, Martial or M (M [Technique Name] AT [Target]) Also: INFO MARTIAL.

Usefulness (Low Levels): Moderate. Martial artists do not do a huge amount of damage at low levels, and have yet to really develop their "powerful" abilities.

Usefulness (Mid-Levels): High. Martial arts techniques deal large amounts of damage.

Usefulness (High Levels): High. At this point, martial artists do more damage in a single technique than anyone else in the game (with the exception of a few extremely skilled fighters using special weapons).

How to Practice: Martial Arts is best practiced in the same manner as other "natural attack/weapon" skills - find an opponent you can hit that will give you skill uses and attack them with your least fatiguing and fastest technique.

Tips: Carry as little as possible when doing Martial Arts, as weight will impair your abilities.

Unconfirmed Rumors (May or May Not Be True): Secian Hand Clerics may be disallowed in future versions of the game.

Note: Like other Natural Attack/Natural Weapon skills, the OR/DR bonus you have is applied even during spell casting. Martial Arts grants additional fatigue points as you advance in level.

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