Entry Last Update: 04/25/2001
Description: Focus Force is the knowledge of how to focus all one's aggressive energies on a single foe in order to do more damage.
Who Can Learn It: Only fighters can learn Focus Force.
What It is Supposed to Do: Allow you to hit more often and do more damage.
What it Does: Allows you to hit more often and do more damage. Focus Force increases your OR and slightly increases your damage, but also makes your attacks take slightly longer.
Usefulness (Low Levels): Low. Focus Force only gives a small bonus to OR at low levels while increasing how long it takes to swing.
Usefulness (Mid-Levels): Moderate. The OR bonus to Focus Force and the additional damage are a greater bonus than the increased attack time is a penalty.
Usefulness (High Levels): Moderate. At high levels, Focus Force truly separates the fighters from the other weapon-users. Fighters can hit more often than anyone else except, perhaps, barbarians.
How to Practice: Just set FOCUS ON and go attack things.
Tips: Keep Focus Force on at all times at low levels (unless in PvP). The levels you gain will be much more important later than the slightly faster speed you could have advanced your weapon skill.
Unconfirmed Rumors (May or May Not Be True): If a high-level fighter and a high-level barbarian ever go up against each other.. my money is still on the flying Anthian with the bow. :)